Wednesday, March 5, 2014

ES 3/5/14 +2.00

Still not 100% sure, but leaning toward a bad hard drive as the culprit for my current PC issues. Some friends suggested running CCleaner ( and doing a hard drive diagnostics to get more details. Will do so later tonight. Also, I just ordered an external hard drive to backup all my data, in case the PC fails on me.

Anyway, did 4 trades on a tight rangy day. Cut short my targets on 2 of them...only to see prices head towards my original 6 ticks target. Need to have more intestinal fortitude to not constantly get spooked or shaken out by the market noise.

E-mini S&P 500 Futures chart for Wednesday 3/5/14
ES chart 3/5/14


  1. Re the CPU sounds like your doing everything you can. May want to run through this list if you haven't..
    Tbh I had this problem, the best thing in the end for me was just reinstalling windows from scratch. Might be an option when your external HD arrives. :-)

    "Intestinal fortitude" = GOLD!

  2. Thanks. Not really a techie (afraid to even run CCleaner). Might just trf my stuff into the backup drive. Then get a new PC, once current one's lag becomes unbearable.
